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What To Expect

About Us

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission and vision is to help connect people to faith


Our Services

Our services at White River Baptist Church are informal yet reverent; instructional yet motivational; spiritual yet practical. We gather in joyful fellowship with Christian friends to sing hymns and hear the Word of God preached. We are an independent family-oriented Baptist church that will help you and your family grow in the grace of God and experience the power of the Christian life.

“You are welcome at White River Baptist Church! We certainly look forward to meeting you!”

– Pastor Jonathan Ryser

What To Expect At White River Baptist Church

Sunday Services

Every Sunday morning and Sunday evening the main preaching service is held in the auditorium with Pastor Jonathan Ryser. As you walk in, a friendly usher will greet you and be available for you to help you find a seat and answer any questions you may have. We believe in having a church service with good, uplifting hymns and spiritual songs that will stir and inspire you. Best of all, the practical preaching of the Word of God from Pastor Ryser is sure to be a blessing to you! We love guests at our church and if there is anything we can do for you, please let us know.


Every service gives you an opportunity to join us in singing hymns and spiritual songs, with songbooks provided for you to use. You’ll enjoy the music as the congregation sings to the accompaniment of our piano.


We are a church that believes in prayer. When we pray we often lift the needs and requests of our church family and friends to the Lord. Other times we simply praise and thank God for His goodness and faithfulness.


We consider the preaching of the Word of God to be the best and the most important time of the service.
I Corinthians 1:21 reads, “…it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.” We believe that the best help you can get in any struggle of life is from the Bible and that preaching is that help.


At the end of the preaching Pastor Ryser will ask everyone to stand and will give an invitation. This is a time for many to respond and make a life-changing decision by walking down the aisle and praying at the altar. A decision may be to trust Jesus Christ as personal Saviour or to become a better Christian. Whatever your decision may be, the altar is open to you. Many others that will be making decisions at that time. If you would like someone to pray for you or would like to make your decision public, someone from our church will be by the altar to pray with you and help you.


Those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour are baptized by immersion. We make it as easy as possible to be baptized immediately after you get saved. However, we do not believe you can be saved by baptism. If you would like to be baptized, make your way to the altar, and someone from our church will be available to assist you.

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